Students are expected to attend school for a full day every day that school is in session. Student absences will be excused if the students are ill or have a medical appointment. Family need and personal emergencies can also be valid reasons for absences; however, we do encourage you to make every effort to get your children to school on time every day. Good attendance leads to
success in school!
If your child is marked absent, our attendance clerk will attempt to make contact with you between 9-11 a.m. However we ask that you always try to use our automatic answering machine, which you can access by calling 317-4599. Absence notes/voice mails must include the following: name of student, date of absence, reason for absence, room number or name of teacher, and name of parent/guardian. The parent/guardian shall make every effort to clear the absence on or before the day the student returns to school. Upon return from an absence, a student must bring a note from their parent/guardian if contact has not been made. Absences and/or tardies affect your child’s education as well as funding our school receives.
Students are expected to be at school on time. Tardiness disrupts the child’s learning as well as the learning of others. Parents will be notified when their child exhibits chronic tardiness. Students who are tardy may miss one or more recesses in order to make up missed classwork.
Homework Requests
If you would like to request homework for your sick child, please call their classroom teacher before 10 a.m. on the second day of the absence. No homework is given for one day absences. We will make every effort to have the work waiting for you by 2:50 p.m.
Medical Appointments
Students who arrive late to school due to an appointment must check in at the office before going to the classroom. Please bring a verification slip from the doctor’s office for our school attendance records.